Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

org.as3collections This class provides a skeletal implementation of the ICollection interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
org.as3collections This class provides a skeletal hash table based implementation of the IMap interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
org.as3collections This class provides a skeletal implementation of the IList interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
org.as3collections This class provides a skeletal implementation of the IListMap interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
org.as3collections This class provides skeletal implementations of some IQueue operations.
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over an Array object.
org.as3collections.lists Resizable-array implementation of the IList interface.
org.as3collections.maps Array based implementation of the IMap interface.
org.as3collections.utils A utility class to work with implementations of the ICollection interface.
org.as3collections.errors The error that is thrown by methods that have detected concurrent modification of an object when such modification is not permissible.
org.as3collections.maps Hash table based implementation of the IMap interface.
org.as3collections The root interface in the collection hierarchy.
org.as3collections Implementing this interface allows an object to be iterable.
org.as3collections An iterator over a collection.
org.as3collections An ordered collection.
org.as3collections An iterator for lists that allows the programmer to traverse the list in either direction, modify the list during iteration, and obtain the iterator's current position in the list.
org.as3collections An ordered map.
org.as3collections An iterator for maps that allows the programmer to traverse the map in either direction, modify the map during iteration, and obtain the iterator's current position in the map.
org.as3collections An object that maps keys to values.
org.as3collections A map entry (key-value pair).
org.as3collections.errors The error that is thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array) is out of range.
org.as3collections.queues This queue uses a org.as3coreaddendum.system.comparators.IndexComparator object to sort the elements.
org.as3collections A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing.
org.as3collections A list that provides a total ordering on its elements.
org.as3collections A map that provides a total ordering on its mappings, sorting by keys or values.
org.as3collections A queue that provides a total ordering on its elements.
org.as3collections.queues LinearQueue orders elements in a FIFO (first-in-first-out) manner.
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over lists (implementations of the IList interface).
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over implementations of IListMap interface.
org.as3collections.utils A utility class to work with implementations of the IList interface.
org.as3collections An entry maintaining a key and a value.
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over maps (implementations of the IMap interface).
org.as3collections.utils A utility class to work with implementations of the IMap interface.
org.as3collections.errors The error that is thrown to indicate that there are no more elements in the iteration.
org.as3collections.queues This queue uses an org.as3coreaddendum.system.comparators.PriorityIndexComparator object to sort the elements.
org.as3collections.queues This queue uses a org.as3coreaddendum.system.comparators.PriorityComparator object to sort the elements.
org.as3collections.utils A utility class to work with implementations of the IQueue interface.
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over an Array object.
org.as3collections.lists A list that does not allow modifications.
org.as3collections.maps An ArrayListMap that doesn't allow modifications.
org.as3collections.maps A HashMap that doesn't allow modifications.
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over lists.
org.as3collections.iterators An iterator to iterate over maps (implementations of the IMap interface).
org.as3collections.lists A list that provides a total ordering on its elements.
org.as3collections.maps A map that provides a total ordering on its mappings.
org.as3collections.queues A queue that provides a total ordering on its elements.
org.as3collections The enumeration class that defines the acceptable values for sort maps by keys or values.
org.as3collections TypedCollection works as a wrapper for a collection. Since ActionScript 3.0 does not support typed arrays, TypedCollection is a way to create typed collections. It stores the wrapCollection constructor's argument internally.
org.as3collections.lists TypedList works as a wrapper for a IList object.
org.as3collections.maps TypedSortedMap works as a wrapper for a map.
org.as3collections.maps TypedMap works as a wrapper for a map.
org.as3collections.queues TypedQueue works as a wrapper for a queue.
org.as3collections.lists TypedSortedList works as a wrapper for a ISortedList object.
org.as3collections.maps TypedSortedMap works as a wrapper for a map.
org.as3collections UniqueCollection works as a wrapper for a collection.
org.as3collections.lists UniqueList works as a wrapper for a IList object.
org.as3collections.queues UniqueQueue works as a wrapper for a queue.
org.as3collections.lists UniqueSortedList works as a wrapper for a ISortedList object.