Coverage Report - org.as3collections.AbstractListMap
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed under the MIT License
  * Copyright 2010 (c) Flávio Silva,
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
  * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
  * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
  * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
  * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
  * conditions:
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
  * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 30  1
 package org.as3collections
         import org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError;
         import org.as3collections.lists.ArrayList;
         import org.as3collections.utils.MapUtil;
         import org.as3coreaddendum.errors.CloneNotSupportedError;
         import org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError;
         import org.as3utils.ReflectionUtil;
         import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
          * This class provides a skeletal implementation of the <code>IListMap</code> interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
          * <p>This class maintains two <code>ArrayList</code> objects as its source, one for <code>keys</code> and one for <code>values</code>.</p>
          * <p>This is an abstract class and shouldn't be instantiated directly.</p>
          * <p>This class makes guarantees as to the order of the map.
          * The order in which elements are stored is the order in which they were inserted.</p>
          * <p>The documentation for each non-abstract method in this class describes its implementation in detail.
          * Each of these methods may be overridden if the map being implemented admits a more efficient implementation.</p>
          * <p><b>IMPORTANT:</b></p>
          * <p>This class implements equality through <code>org.as3coreaddendum.system.IEquatable</code> interface in the <code>equals</code> method and in all methods that compares the elements inside this collection (i.e. <code>containsKey</code>, <code>containsValue</code>, <code>put</code>, <code>remove</code>, <code>removeAll</code> and <code>retainAll</code>).</p>
          * <p>In order to this map uses the <code>equals</code> method of its keys and/or values in comparisons (rather than default '==' operator), <b>all keys and/or values in this map must implement the</b> <code>org.as3coreaddendum.system.IEquatable</code> <b>interface and also the supplied key and/or value.</b></p>
          * <p>For example:</p>
          * <p>myMap.containsKey(myKey);</p>
          * <p>All keys (but in this case only keys) inside <code>myMap</code>, and <code>myKey</code>, must implement the <code>org.as3coreaddendum.system.IEquatable</code> interface so that <code>equals</code> method of each key can be used in the comparison.
          * Otherwise '==' operator is used. The same is true for values.
          * The use of equality for keys and values are independent.
          * It's possible to use only keys that implement <code>IEquatable</code>, only values, both, or none.
          * This usage varies according to application needs.</p>
          * <p>All subclasses of this class <em>must</em> conform with this behavior.</p>
          * @see         org.as3collections.IListMap IListMap
          * @see         org.as3collections.IList IList
          * @see         org.as3collections.lists.ArrayList ArrayList
          * @see        org.as3coreaddendum.system.IEquatable
          * @author Flávio Silva
         public class AbstractListMap implements IListMap
                  * @private
                 protected var _modCount: int;
                 private var _keys: IList;
                 private var _values: IList;
                  * @inheritDoc
                 public function get allKeysEquatable(): Boolean { return _keys.allEquatable; }
                  * @inheritDoc
                 public function get allValuesEquatable(): Boolean { return _values.allEquatable; }
                  * @inheritDoc
                 public function get modCount(): int { return _modCount; }
                  * @private
                 protected function get keys(): IList { return _keys; }
                 protected function set keys(value:IList): void { _keys = value; }
                  * @private
                 protected function get values(): IList { return _values; }
                 protected function set values(value:IList): void { _values = value; }
                  * Constructor, creates a new AbstractListMap object.
                  * @param         source         a map with wich fill this map.
                  * @throws         IllegalOperationError         If this class is instantiated directly, in other words, if there is <b>not</b> another class extending this class.
                 public function AbstractListMap(source:IMap = null)
 111  1
 112  1
                         if (ReflectionUtil.classPathEquals(this, AbstractListMap))  throw new IllegalOperationError(ReflectionUtil.getClassName(this) + " is an abstract class and shouldn't be instantiated directly.");
 114  1
 116  1
                         if (source && !source.isEmpty()) putAll(source);
 117  1
                  * Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).
                  * The map will be empty after this call returns.
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>clear</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                 public function clear(): void
 128  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Creates and return a shallow copy of this collection.
                  * <p>This implementation always throws a <code>CloneNotSupportedError</code>.</p>
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.CloneNotSupportedError          if this map doesn't support clone.
                  * @return         A new object that is a shallow copy of this instance.
                 public function clone(): *
 140  1
                         throw new CloneNotSupportedError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * @inheritDoc
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                  if the type of the specified key is incompatible with this map (optional).
                  * @throws         ArgumentError        if the specified key is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys (optional).
                 public function containsKey(key:*): Boolean
 151  1
                         return indexOfKey(key) != -1;
                  * @inheritDoc
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                  if the type of the specified value is incompatible with this map (optional).
                  * @throws         ArgumentError        if the specified value is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> values (optional).
                 public function containsValue(value:*): Boolean
 162  1
                         return indexOfValue(value) != -1;
                  * Returns an <code>ArrayList</code> object that is a view of the mappings contained in this map (in the same order).
                  * The type of the objects within the list is <code>IMapEntry</code>
                  * <p>Modifications in the <code>ArrayList</code> object doesn't affect this map.</p>
                  * @return         an <code>ArrayList</code> object that is a view of the mappings contained in this map.
                  * @see org.as3collections.IMapEntry IMapEntry
                  * @see org.as3collections.IList IList
                  * @see org.as3collections.lists.ArrayList ArrayList
                 public function entryCollection(): ICollection
 177  1
                         var list:IList = new ArrayList();
 178  1
                         var it:IIterator = iterator();
                         var value:*;
                         var entry:IMapEntry;
 182  1
                         while (it.hasNext())
 184  1
                                 value =;
 185  1
                                 entry = new MapEntry(it.pointer(), value);
 186  1
 189  1
                         return list;
                  * This method uses <code>MapUtil.equalConsideringOrder</code> method to perform equality, sending this map and <code>other</code> argument.
                  * @param          other         the object to be compared for equality.
                  * @return         <code>true</code> if the arbitrary evaluation considers the objects equal.
                  * @see         org.as3collections.utils.MapUtil#equalConsideringOrder() MapUtil.equalConsideringOrder()
                 public function equals(other:*): Boolean
 201  1
                         return MapUtil.equalConsideringOrder(this, other);
                  * Returns the key at the specified position in this map.
                  * <p>This implementation forwards the call to <code>keys.getAt(index)</code>.</p>
                  * @param         index         index of the key to return.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError         if the index is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt;= size())</code>.
                  * @return         the key at the specified position in this map.
                 public function getKeyAt(index:int): *
 214  1
                         return keys.getAt(index);
                  * Returns the value at the specified position in this map.
                  * <p>This implementation forwards the call to <code>values.getAt(index)</code>.</p>
                  * @param         index         index of the value to return.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError         if the index is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt;= size())</code>.
                  * @return         the value at the specified position in this map.
                 public function getValueAt(index:int): *
 227  1
                         return values.getAt(index);
                  * Returns an <code>ArrayList</code> object that is a view of the keys contained in this map.
                  * <p>Modifications in the <code>ArrayList</code> object doesn't affect this map.</p>
                  * @return         an <code>ArrayList</code> object that is a view of the keys contained in this map.
                  * @see org.as3collections.IList IList
                  * @see org.as3collections.lists.ArrayList ArrayList
                 public function getKeys(): ICollection
 240  1
                         return _keys.clone();
                  * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or <code>null</code> if this map contains no mapping for the key.
                  * <p>If this map permits <code>null</code> values, then a return value of <code>null</code> does not <em>necessarily</em> indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key.
                  * It's possible that the map explicitly maps the key to <code>null</code>.
                  * The <code>containsKey</code> method may be used to distinguish these two cases.</p>
                  * <p>This implementation uses <code>indexOfKey</code> method to get the index of the key/value and then calls <code>values.getAt</code> method.</p>
                  * @param          key         the key whose associated value is to be returned.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                  if the type of the specified key is incompatible with this map (optional).
                  * @throws         ArgumentError          if the specified key is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys (optional).
                  * @return         the value to which the specified key is mapped, or <code>null</code> if this map contains no mapping for the key.
                 public function getValue(key:*): *
 257  1
                         var indexKey:int = indexOfKey(key);
 258  1
                         if (indexKey == -1) return null;
 260  1
                         return _values.getAt(indexKey);
                  * Returns an <code>ArrayList</code> object that is a view of the values contained in this map.
                  * <p>Modifications in the <code>ArrayList</code> object doesn't affect this map.</p>
                  * @return         an <code>ArrayList</code> object that is a view of the values contained in this map.
                  * @see org.as3collections.IList IList
                  * @see org.as3collections.lists.ArrayList ArrayList
                 public function getValues(): ICollection
 273  1
                         return _values.clone();
                  * Returns a new <code>IListMap</code> object that is a view of the portion of this map whose keys are strictly less than <code>toKey</code>.
                  * The returned map supports all optional map operations that this map supports.
                  * <p>This implementation uses <code>subMap(0, indexOfKey(toKey))</code>.</p>
                  * <p>Note that this implementation will throw an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code> unless <code>subMap</code> is overridden.</p>
                  * @param          toKey         high endpoint (exclusive) of the keys in the returned map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError         if <code>toKey</code> is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError         if <code>containsKey(toKey)</code> returns <code>false</code>.
                  * @return         a new <code>IListMap</code> that is a view of the portion of this map whose keys are strictly less than <code>toKey</code>.
                 public function headMap(toKey:*): IListMap
 289  1
                         if (!containsKey(toKey)) throw new ArgumentError("This maps does not contains the specified key: " + toKey);
 291  1
                         var fromIndex:int = 0;
 292  1
                         var toIndex:int = indexOfKey(toKey);
 294  1
                         var map:IListMap = subMap(fromIndex, toIndex);
 295  1
                         return map;
                  * Returns the position of the specified key.
                  * <p>This implementation forwards the call to <code>keys.indexOf(key)</code>.</p>
                  * @param          key         the key to search for.
                  * @return         the position of the specified key.
                 public function indexOfKey(key:*): int
 307  1
                         return _keys.indexOf(key);
                  * Returns the position of the specified value.
                  * <p>This implementation forwards the call to <code>values.indexOf(value)</code>.</p>
                  * @param          value         the value to search for.
                  * @return         the position of the specified value.
                 public function indexOfValue(value:*): int
 319  1
                         return _values.indexOf(value);
                  * @inheritDoc
                 public function isEmpty(): Boolean
 327  1
                         return size() == 0;
                  * Returns an iterator over a set of mappings.
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @return         an iterator over a set of values.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          this method must be overridden in subclass.
                 public function iterator(): IIterator
 339  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Returns a <code>IListMapIterator</code> object to iterate over the mappings in this map (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this map.
                  * The specified index indicates the first value that would be returned by an initial call to <code>next</code>.
                  * An initial call to <code>previous</code> would return the value with the specified index minus one.
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          index         index of first value to be returned from the iterator (by a call to the <code>next</code> method) 
                  * @return         a <code>IListMapIterator</code> object to iterate over the mappings in this map (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this map.
                 public function listMapIterator(index:int = 0): IListMapIterator
 353  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
                  * If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value, and the order of the key is not affected.
                  * (A map <code>m</code> is said to contain a mapping for a key <code>k</code> if and only if <code>m.containsKey(k)</code> would return <code>true</code>.) 
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          key         key with which the specified value is to be associated.
                  * @param          value         value to be associated with the specified key.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>put</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of the specified key or value is incompatible with this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                                                                                        if the specified key or value is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys or values.
                  * @return         the previous value associated with key, or <code>null</code> if there was no mapping for key. (A <code>null</code> return can also indicate that the map previously associated <code>null</code> with key, if the implementation supports <code>null</code> values.)
                 public function put(key:*, value:*): *
 371  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Associates the specified value with the specified key at the specified position in this map (optional operation).
                  * Shifts the entry currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent entries to the right (adds one to their indices).
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          index         index at which the specified entry is to be inserted.
                  * @param          key         key with which the specified value is to be associated.
                  * @param          value         value to be associated with the specified key.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>putAt</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of the specified key or value is incompatible with this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                                                                                          if the specified key or value is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys or values.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                                                                                          if this map already contains the specified key.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError                 if the index is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt; size())</code>. 
                 public function putAt(index:int, key:*, value:*): void
 390  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
                  * The effect of this call is equivalent to that of calling <code>put(k, v)</code> on this map once for each mapping from key <code>k</code> to value <code>v</code> in the specified map.
                  * <p>This implementation calls <code>putAllAt(size(), collection)</code>.</p>
                  * <p>Note that this implementation will throw an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code> unless <code>putAt</code> is overridden (assuming the specified map is non-empty).</p>
                  * @param          map         mappings to be stored in this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>putAll</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of a key or value in the specified map is incompatible with this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                          if the specified map is <code>null</code>, or if this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys or values, and the specified map contains <code>null</code> keys or values.
                 public function putAll(map:IMap): void
 406  1
                         putAllAt(size(), map);
 407  1
                  * Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
                  * Shifts the entry currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent entries to the right (increases their indices).
                  * The new entries will appear in this map in the order that they are returned by the specified map's iterator.
                  * <p>This implementation iterates over the specified map, and calls this map's <code>putAt</code> operation once for each entry returned by the iteration.</p>
                  * @param          index         index at which to insert the first entry from the specified map.
                  * @param          map         mappings to be stored in this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>putAllAt</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of a key or value in the specified map is incompatible with this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                          if the specified map is <code>null</code>, or if this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys or values, and the specified map contains <code>null</code> keys or values.
                 public function putAllAt(index:int, map:IMap): void
 423  1
                         if (!map) throw new ArgumentError("The 'map' argument must not be 'null'.");
 424  1
                         if (map.isEmpty()) return;
 425  1
                         checkIndex(index, size());
 427  1
                         var it:IIterator = map.iterator();
                         var value:*;
 430  1
                         while (it.hasNext())
 432  1
                                 value =;
 434  1
                                 putAt(index, it.pointer(), value);
 435  1
 437  1
                  * This implementation performs a <code></code> in the specified object, calling <code>put</code> on this map once for each iteration (optional operation).
                  * @param          o         the object to retrieve the properties.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>putAllByObject</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of a key or value in the specified object is incompatible with this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                          if the specified object is <code>null</code>, or if this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys or values, and the specified object contains <code>null</code> keys or values.
                 public function putAllByObject(o:Object): void
 449  1
                         if (!o) throw new ArgumentError("The 'o' argument must not be 'null'.");
 451  1
                         for (var key:* in o)
 453  1
                                 put(key, o[key]);
 455  1
                  * Associates the specified <code>entry.value</code> with the specified <code>entry.key</code> in this map (optional operation).
                  * If the map previously contained a mapping for the <code>entry.key</code>, the old value is replaced by the specified <code>entry.value</code>. (A map <code>m</code> is said to contain a mapping for a key <code>k</code> if and only if <code>m.containsKey(k)</code> would return <code>true</code>.) 
                  * <p>This implementation calls <code>put(entry.key, entry.value)</code>.</p>
                  * @param          entry         entry to put in this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>putEntry</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of the specified <code>entry.key</code> or <code>entry.value</code> is incompatible with this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                          if the specified entry is <code>null</code>, or if the specified <code>entry.key</code> or <code>entry.value</code> is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys or values.
                  * @return         the previous value associated with <code>entry.key</code>, or <code>null</code> if there was no mapping for <code>entry.key</code>. (A <code>null</code> return can also indicate that the map previously associated <code>null</code> with <code>entry.key</code>, if the implementation supports <code>null</code> values.)
                 public function putEntry(entry:IMapEntry): *
 470  1
                         if (!entry) throw new ArgumentError("The 'entry' argument must not be 'null'.");
 472  1
                         return put(entry.key, entry.value);
                  * Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
                  * <p>Returns the value to which this map previously associated the key, or <code>null</code> if the map contained no mapping for the key.
                  * If this map permits <code>null</code> values, then a return value of <code>null</code> does not <em>necessarily</em> indicate that the map contained no mapping for the key.
                  * It's possible that the map explicitly mapped the key to <code>null</code>.</p>
                  * <p>The map will not contain a mapping for the specified key once the call returns.</p>
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          key         the key whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>remove</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of the specified key is incompatible with this map (optional).
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                          if the specified key is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys (optional).
                  * @return         the previous value associated with key, or <code>null</code> if there was no mapping for <code>key</code>.
                 public function remove(key:*): *
 491  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Removes the mapping for a key from this map (if it is present) for each element in the specified collection (optional operation).
                  * The elements in the specified collection are interpreted as keys.
                  * <p>This implementation iterates over this map, checking each key returned by the iterator in turn to see if it's contained in the specified collection.
                  * If it's so contained, it's removed from this map with the iterator's <code>remove</code> method.</p>
                  * <p>Note that this implementation will throw an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code> if the iterator returned by the iterator method does not implement the <code>remove</code> method and this map contains one or more keys in common with the specified collection.</p>
                  * <p>The map will not contain mappings for the elements in the specified collection once the call returns.</p>
                  * @param          keys         the collection whose elements are interpreted as keys to be removed from the map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>removeAll</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the type of an element in the specified collection is incompatible with this map (optional).
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                          if the specified collection is <code>null</code>, or if this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys, and the specified collections contains <code>null</code> elements (optional).
                  * @return         <code>true</code> if this map changed as a result of the call.
                 public function removeAll(keys:ICollection): Boolean
 510  1
                         if (!keys) throw new ArgumentError("The 'keys' argument must not be 'null'.");
 511  1
                         if (keys.isEmpty()) return false;
 513  1
                         var prevSize:int = size();
 514  1
                         var it:IIterator = iterator();
                         var value:*;
 517  1
                         while (it.hasNext())
 519  1
                                 value =;
 521  1
                                 if (keys.contains(it.pointer())) it.remove();
 524  1
                         return prevSize != size();
                  * Removes the mapping at the specified position in this map (optional operation).
                  * Shifts any subsequent mappings to the left (subtracts one from their indices).
                  * Returns an <code>IMapEntry</code> object containing the mapping (key/value) that was removed from the map.
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p> 
                  * @param          index         the index of the mapping to be removed.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>removeAt</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError                 if the index is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt;= size())</code>.
                  * @return         an <code>IMapEntry</code> object containing the mapping (key/value) that was removed from the map.
                 public function removeAt(index:int): IMapEntry
 540  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Retains only the mappings in this map that the keys are contained (as elements) in the specified collection (optional operation).
                  * In other words, removes from this map all of its mappings whose keys are not contained (as elements) in the specified collection.
                  * The elements in the specified collection are interpreted as keys.
                  * <p>This implementation iterates over this map and calls <code>IIterator.remove</code> once for each key that are not contained in the specified collection.</p>
                  * <p>Note that this implementation will throw an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code> if the iterator returned by the iterator method does not implement the <code>remove</code> method and this map contains one or more keys not present in the specified collection.</p>
                  * @param          keys         the collection whose elements are interpreted as keys to be retained in the map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>retainAll</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the types of one or more keys in this map are incompatible with the specified collection (optional).
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                           if the specified collection contains a <code>null</code> element and this collection does not permit <code>null</code> keys (optional), or if the specified collection is <code>null</code>.
                  * @return         <code>true</code> if this map changed as a result of the call.
                 public function retainAll(keys:ICollection): Boolean
 558  1
                         if (!keys) throw new ArgumentError("The 'keys' argument must not be 'null'.");
 559  1
                         if (keys.isEmpty()) return false;
 561  1
                         var prevSize:int = size();
 562  1
                         var it:IIterator = iterator();
                         var value:*;
 565  1
                         while (it.hasNext())
 567  1
                                 value =;
 569  1
                                 if (!keys.contains(it.pointer())) it.remove();
 572  1
                         return prevSize != size();
                  * @inheritDoc
                 public function reverse(): void
 580  1
                         if (size() < 2) return;
 581  1
 582  1
 583  1
                  * Removes all of the mappings whose index is between <code>fromIndex</code>, inclusive, and <code>toIndex</code>, exclusive (optional operation).
                  * Shifts any subsequent mappings to the left (subtracts their indices).
                  * <p>If <code>toIndex == fromIndex</code>, this operation has no effect.</p>
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          fromIndex         the index to start removing mappings (inclusive).
                  * @param          toIndex         the index to stop removing mappings (exclusive).
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>removeRange</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError                 if <code>fromIndex</code> or <code>toIndex</code> is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt; size())</code>.
                  * @return         a new map containing all the removed mappings.
                 public function removeRange(fromIndex:int, toIndex:int): IListMap
 599  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Replaces the key at the specified position in this map with the specified key (optional operation).
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          index         index of the key to replace.
                  * @param          key         key to be stored at the specified position.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>setKeyAt</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the class of the specified key prevents it from being added to this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                                                                                           if the specified key is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> keys.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                                                                                          if this map already contains the specified key.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError                 if the index is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt;= size())</code>.
                  * @return         the key previously at the specified position.
                 public function setKeyAt(index:int, key:*): *
 617  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * Replaces the value at the specified position in this map with the specified value (optional operation).
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          index         index of the value to replace.
                  * @param          value         value to be stored at the specified position.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>setValueAt</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.ClassCastError                                  if the class of the specified value prevents it from being added to this map.
                  * @throws         ArgumentError                                                                                           if the specified value is <code>null</code> and this map does not permit <code>null</code> values.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError                 if the index is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt;= size())</code>.
                  * @return         the value previously at the specified position.
                 public function setValueAt(index:int, value:*): *
 634  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * @inheritDoc
                 public function size(): int
 642  1
                         return _keys.size();
                  * Returns a new map that is a view of the portion of this map between the specified <code>fromIndex</code>, inclusive, and <code>toIndex</code>, exclusive.
                  * <p>The returned map supports all of the optional map operations supported by this map.</p>
                  * <p>This implementation always throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationError</code>.</p>
                  * @param          fromIndex         the index to start retrieving mappings (inclusive).
                  * @param          toIndex         the index to stop retrieving mappings (exclusive).
                  * @throws         org.as3coreaddendum.errors.UnsupportedOperationError          if the <code>subMap</code> operation is not supported by this map.
                  * @throws         org.as3collections.errors.IndexOutOfBoundsError                 if <code>fromIndex</code> or <code>toIndex</code> is out of range <code>(index &lt; 0 || index &gt; size())</code>.
                  * @return         a new list that is a view of the specified range within this list.
                 public function subMap(fromIndex:int, toIndex:int): IListMap
 658  1
                         throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Method must be overridden in subclass: " + ReflectionUtil.getClassPath(this));
                  * @inheritDoc
                  * @throws         ArgumentError         if <code>containsKey(fromKey)</code> returns <code>false</code>.
                 public function tailMap(fromKey:*): IListMap
 668  1
                         if (!containsKey(fromKey)) throw new ArgumentError("This maps does not contains the specified key: " + fromKey);
 670  1
                         var fromIndex:int = indexOfKey(fromKey);
 671  1
                         var toIndex:int = size();
 673  1
                         var map:IListMap = subMap(fromIndex, toIndex);
 674  1
                         return map;
                  * Returns the string representation of this instance.
                  * @return         the string representation of this instance.
                 public function toString():String 
 684  1
                         return MapUtil.toString(this);
                  * @private
                 protected function checkIndex(index:int, max:int):void
 692  1
                         if (index < 0 || index > max) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsError("The 'index' argument is out of bounds: " + index + " (min: 0, max: " + max + ")");
 693  1
                  * @private
                 protected function keyAdded(key:*): void
 700  1
 701  1
                  * @private
                 protected function keyRemoved(key:*): void
 708  1
 709  1
                  * @private
                 protected function valueAdded(value:*): void
 717  1
                  * @private
                 protected function valueRemoved(value:*): void
 725  1
                  * @private
                 private function _init(): void
 732  1
                         _keys                 = new ArrayList();
 733  1
                         _values         = new ArrayList();
 734  1